Parasites have a unique life cycle and can rotate between dormant and active, meaning a technician won’t always be able to see a parasite in stool. To identify intestinal parasites in this conventional test, a stool sample must contain a live parasite, which remains alive in transit to the lab. Treatment for colon parasites involves the collection of a stool sample which can be analyzed to determine which parasites are present, and the administration of medication to kill the parasites. It is possible for people to be coinfected with multiple parasites, which can complicate treatment and require the use of multiple medications to. Worms, their parts or eggs can be sometimes found in the stool Itchy skin rash; Swelling around the eyes; Swollen itchy bump on the site of the parasite entry (usually on the foot). Sources of Human Intestinal Worm Infection. Worm eggs, shed in the stool of humans or animals infected with adult worms, can contaminate soil or water.

Parasite Symptoms, Story In A Nutshell

Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool That Look Like White Short String

  • Parasite symptoms in humans are very common.
  • Diagnosis challenge: parasitic infections are not always identified as the cause of these symptoms.
  • Treatment challenge: symptoms are treated rather than the cause, recurrent symptoms that can’t be explained that are keep coming back.

Treatment Options:

  • Antiparasitic prescription medication.
  • Natural alternatives: parasite cleanse.

Common signs and symptoms of parasites may include:

Affected AreasParasite symptoms
Digestive issuesGas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Abdominal painUpset stomach, stomach cramps, stomach pain, tenderness.
StoolGreasy loose stool, worms, parasites, mucus, eggs or candida yeast in stool.
EatingCravings for sweets, constantly hungry, increased or loss of appetite.
Energy, wellbeingFeeling tired, fatigue, exhaustion, mood swings and depression, muscle and joint pain, body aches.
SkinSkin rashes and skin issues such as eczema, hives, rosacea.
SleepPoor sleep, insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, teeth grinding in sleep, anus itching at night.
GenitalsVaginal itching around the vulva, anal itching, rash, vaginal infections.
Overall healthUnexplained weight loss or weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, fever.

How do you get rid of parasites?

A very important step before you start to remove and get rid of parasites in your body, is to find out how did you get parasites in your body to begin with. You do not want to reinfect yourself all over again. Sometimes the cause of the parasitic infection may be related to one time incidents such as international trips, consuming contaminated food or water, or being exposed to someone with a parasitic infection.
In many cases however, parasitic infections may be caused by your daily activities and lifestyle. Common causes of worms in humans may include eating raw or undercooked meat or fish, catching the parasites from your pet, poor hygiene and more.

Here is an overview of our parasite cleanse protocol. In addition to its effectiveness, special consideration was given for safety. The objective is to get rid of parasites while minimizing potential parasite die off symptoms and other side effects.

Intestinal parasites such as intestinal worms in humans doesn’t always cause any signs or specific parasite symptoms. For this reason, many people who are at higher risk, such as frequent international travelers, people with pets or with a weakened immune system follow the parasite cleanse protocol for prevention 1-2 times a year. Notice that the order of the steps matters. Click on the links to the topics you wish to learn more about.

Parasite treatment

1Oxygen colon cleanse
  • Removes parasites and toxic waste buildup that can feed parasites from the colon
  • Optimizes the body’s natural waste/toxins removal function
  • Minimizes parasite die off symptoms and herx reaction.
2Parasite cleanse diet
  • Parasite cleanse diet:
  • Eliminates foods that feed parasites or weaken immune system.
  • Includes anti parasite foods & parasite cleanse recipes using foods that kill parasites in the body.
  • Multi enzyme complex supplement:
  • Helps transitioning to the anti-parasite diet.
  • Improves digestion and nutrients absorption from foods.
  • Breaks down parasites cell walls and toxins released by the dying parasites.
  • Restores healthy gut flora using probiotic strains that are specifically effective against parasites and parasitic infections.
4Anti-parasite herbs
  • Herbs that kill various parasites and worms.
  • Helps the body to naturally get rid of parasites.
  • Key focus on both effectiveness & safety.
5Vitamins & Minerals
  • Avoids common nutritional deficiencies that can be caused by parasitic infections.
    Especially: vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Iron.
  • Helps the body repair the damage caused by the ongoing parasitic infections.

How do you know you have a parasite?

A good way to know if you have a parasite infection is to look for the common signs of parasites or signs of worms in humans, especially:

Parasite symptoms shown in the above table that you can not explain.
Chronic digestive issues.
History of of food poisoning.
Travel internationally, especially if you had traveler’s diarrhea.
Unexplained weight gain or weight loss.
Nutritional deficiencies despite following a healthy diet.
Autoimmune disorders.


If you suspect you may have a parasite infection, you may want to ask your doctor to order intestinal parasite tests. The parasite symptoms you can share with your doctor are very important as they may point your doctor to the right test for a specific parasitic infection. To learn more about parasite testing, see:
how to test for parasites.

Common types of intestinal worms and parasites in humans

TypeHow do you get infectedCommon symptoms and signs of infection
Pinworms (Threadworms)
  • Touching eggs and putting hands in the mouth.
  • Very common in children, caregivers and institutions.
  • Frequent strong itching and discomfort of the anal area, especially at night.
  • Pain, rash, skin irritation around the anus.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Urinary tract issues.
Hookworms (1)Contact with feces and infected soil by walking barefoot.
  • Abdominal pain, stomach cramps.
  • Nausea.
  • Fever.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Itchy rash.
  • Fatigue, anemia.
  • Excessive uncontrollable crying in babies (baby colic).
TapewormsEating undercooked meat from infected animals
  • Tiredness, weakness.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
Flukes (trematodes)Consuming contaminated raw watercress, freshwater plants, water, or infected fish, snails.Many infections caused by flukes have no initial signs until organ damage occur in cases of liver flukes or in the lungs. Other symptoms may include:
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cough
  • Fever.
  • Skin rashes, hives, itching.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
RoundwormsEating undercooked meat that contains the larvae.
  • Diarrhea, irregular stool.
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath, asthma.
  • Fever.
  • Muscle or joint pain.

How do you test for parasites in humans?

There are various of lab tests that doctors and health providers typically use to detect and diagnose parasitic infections in the body. Finding the most accurate parasite test however, may be a challenge, since a negative parasite test doesn’t mean you do not have a parasitic infection.

For this reason, several tests are usually conducted. The parasite symptoms you can share with your doctor are very important as they may indicate a specific parasitic infection. This can help your doctor to order the right test.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the commonly used parasite testing may include (2):

Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

Microscopic photos of parasites in human stool
Test typeWhat does it look for:When to test
Fecal stool test, ova (eggs), parasite testchecks the presence of parasite eggs in stool.digestive and abdominal parasite symptoms.
Endoscopy (mouth)
nonsurgical procedure used to examine the digestive tract using a tube with a camera via the mouth (endoscopy) or rectum (colonoscopy).negative stool test.
Blood test: Serologylooks for antibodies or parasite antigens.test for a specific parasite infection.
Blood test: Blood smearlooks for parasites that are found in the blood under a microscope.test for a specific parasite infection.
X-ray, MRI, CAT scanslook for parasitic infections that may impact different organs.
Pinworm test
Scotch tape test
looks for pinworms using scotch tape around the anus to collect pinworm eggs. The tape is sent to the lab and being checked under a microscope for eggs (3).identify a pinworm infection.

What is the cause of worms in humans?

How do you get parasites?

The most common causes of worms and parasites in humans include:

  • Living or visiting areas known to have parasites, especially areas that are known for poor sanitation.
  • Eating raw or undercooked meat or fish such as sushi.
  • International travel.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Walking barefoot.

Microscopic Photos Of Parasites In Human Stool

Additional risk factors may include:

Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool That Look Like White Short String

  • Children or elderly.
  • Exposure to child and institutional care centers.
  • A weakened or compromised immune system.
  • Having pets.

Images Of Parasites Found In Human Stool

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