The House of Julii begin with the cities Ariminium and Arretium. Arretium is their capital city. Julii are based in northern Italy and are a Roman Faction. The House of Julii is one of the three playable factions at the beginning of the game( you unlock eight more factions when you complete the game).
  1. Arcani Rome Total War Wiki
  2. Rome Total War Arcanite

  • Pre-Marian Units
    • Infantry
      • Peasants
      • Town Watch
      • Hastati
      • Principes
      • Triarii
      • Samnite Gladiators
    • Missile
      • Velites
      • Roman Archers
      • Ballistas
      • Scorpions
      • Onagers
      • Heavy Onagers
      • Repeating Ballistas
    • Cavalry
      • Equites
      • Cavalry Auxilia
    • Special Units
      • Arcani
      • Wardogs
      • Incendiary Pigs
  • Post-Marian Units
    • Infantry
      • Auxilia
      • Early Legionary Cohort
      • Legionary Cohort
      • Praetorian Guard
      • Urban Cohorts
      • Early Legionary First Cohort
      • Legionary First Cohort
      • Arcani
    • Missile
      • Light Auxilia
      • Archer Auxilia
    • Cavalry
      • Roman Cavalry
      • Legionary Cavalry
      • Praetorian Cavalry
      • Armoured General's Bodyguard

Arcani Rome Total War Wiki

Rome Total War Arcani

Rome Total War 2 Arcani; Since you start the game being at war with the Etruscan League, you should go with the flow and attack your northern neighbor. A legion stationing near Rome can easily go north towards city of Velathri. Since it belongs to Italia province, after conquering it you can replenish your troops and move to Ariminum. Arcani: The Arcani are a unit unique to the Julii. These units are, in effect, 'roman ninjas'. They are able to hide anywhere on the battlefield and can have a frightening effect on enemy units. They are also powerful warriors, though units of Arcani include very few soldiers, as a result. The mod will be removing the arcade feel that many people believe has been added to Rome Total War. Europa Barbarorum's goal seems to be to create a historical simulator of the time period. Apparently fans of incendiary pigs will have to say good-by to their beloved bacon as will anyone who loves watching a unit of Arcani ambush a group of. The Arcani (also called Areani) were an organization stationed in Roman Britannia. They served as a sort of frontier spy force, traveling and reporting news of the local tribes to Roman authorities.

Photo taken from Rome Total War. Some of the info used came from

Rome Total War Arcanite

The House of Julii begin with the cities Ariminium and Arretium. Arretium is their capital city. Julii are based in northern Italy and are a Roman Faction. The House of Julii is one of the three playable factions at the beginning of the game( you unlock eight more factions when you complete the game).

  • Pre-Marian Units
    • Infantry
      • Peasants
      • Town Watch
      • Hastati
      • Principes
      • Triarii
      • Samnite Gladiators
    • Missile
      • Velites
      • Roman Archers
      • Ballistas
      • Scorpions
      • Onagers
      • Heavy Onagers
      • Repeating Ballistas
    • Cavalry
      • Equites
      • Cavalry Auxilia
    • Special Units
      • Arcani
      • Wardogs
      • Incendiary Pigs
  • Post-Marian Units
    • Infantry
      • Auxilia
      • Early Legionary Cohort
      • Legionary Cohort
      • Praetorian Guard
      • Urban Cohorts
      • Early Legionary First Cohort
      • Legionary First Cohort
      • Arcani
    • Missile
      • Light Auxilia
      • Archer Auxilia
    • Cavalry
      • Roman Cavalry
      • Legionary Cavalry
      • Praetorian Cavalry
      • Armoured General's Bodyguard

Photo taken from Rome Total War. Some of the info used came from