We’re incredibly pleased and overwhelmed that you have chosen a theme from RadiantThemes for your website. We're sure you won’t be disappointed! Here, we outline all types of the necessary information and provide you with all the essential details you require for using the theme. Our themes can only be used with WordPress and we presume that you already have WordPress installed and ready to go.

Essential Requirements and Recommended Settings--

Recommended Hosting

Cura for Robo Desktop¶. To get your 3d prints out looking great, Cura for Robo Desktop Software is the recommended software. This software takes your 3d models, and turns them into a language that the Robo C2 can read, and uses it to produce an object. Ultimaker Cura is a state-of-the-art slicer application to prepare your 3D models for printing with a 3D printer. With hundreds of settings and hundreds of community-managed print profiles, Ultimaker Cura is sure to lead your next project to a success.

We recommend using a cPanel or Plesk based hosting from a renowned hosting service provider. Many low-cost providers provide their custom web-based panel which most of the time don’t have the required configuration to run websites smoothly.

We recommend using Siteground.com for any hosting related need. Order plain cPanel based hosting. Don’t order just WordPress Hosting from any hosting provider. WordPress hosting has lots of limitation and you might not be able to accomplish everything.

Ideally cPanel, Plesk driven control panels work seamlessly. Also, make sure that your provider uses the latest version of PHPMyAdmin. The older version of PHP and PHPMyAdmin might not support.

We can troubleshoot and help, if you use cPanel, Plesk, Webmin, web panel, zpanel types of control panel. Also, when you ask for our help, please consider sending control panel access. Only FTP access might not be sufficient always.

Recommended Hosting

To work with Cura, please ensure that you are running WordPress 5.0 or higher, PHP 5.6 or higher, and MySQL 5.6 or higher and wp_remote_get() function is unblocked in your server.

Recommended PHP Configuration Limits

Various issues that you may run into are: white screen, your demo import fails, empty page content and other similar issues that are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The best way is to increase the PHP limits of the hosting account.

1) WP Memory Limit — 256M
2) Upload Max. Filesize — 128M
3) Max. Post Size — 128M
4) Max. Execution Time — 300
5) PHP Max. Input Vars — 2000
6) PHP Max. Input Time 1000
Demo Design IMPORT WON’T WORK on WordPress.com hosted site.
Transport Management RE-invented

CURA TMS is a cloud based technology solution that enhances the operations of transport on site and off-site,

starting from the confirmation of a purchase order until the truck delivers the order and leaves its destination.

Enhance your transport operations!

CURA TMS is a cloud based technology solution that enhances the operations of transport on site and off site,
starting from the booking of a shipment and the allocation of delivery gates until the succesful completion of the order.

Expanded with a booking and transport supplier communication module, CURA TMS enables access control,
too early/too late management, on site flow control and paperwork handling.
This in full autonomy without the need of human intervention

Discover how CURA TMS will enhance your transport management in just 8 simple steps!

Module 1 - Slot Booking & truck (driver) management

(step 1 of the animation above)

Cura Requirements Hardware

  • Manage shipments and purchase orders
  • Give your carrier partners access to create their own transports
  • More efficient gate management and smart gate allocation
  • Connect the right truck (driver) to the correct booking
  • Get as detailed as needed (shipment contents) and connect to the appropriate gate

Module 2 – Track and Trace

Cura Cura Requirements

(steps 2, 3 and 8 of the animation above)

  • Optional module
  • Free Android app! Live track and trace of the transport (truck and truck driver) in 22 languages!
  • Accurate ETA’s (Estimated Time of Arrival) and automatic rebooking triggers when the shipment is delayed or arrives ahead of schedule.
  • App can be used for access control and on site guidance
  • Can make any fixed hardware requirements (such as kiosks) obsolete when needed and/or if applicable (QR code enabled).

Module 3 – Interactive Yard Management

(steps 4, 5 and 6 of the animation above)

  • Kiosk hardware: registration on site, gate access control, site guidance (safety instructions game), LED display notification, waiting area integration, …
  • Communicate with every driver in their own language! (22 languages on board)
  • Combining module 2 and 3 enables the operation of CURA TMS without kiosk hardware if required (creates a lower budget entry to CURA)

Module 4 – Document Management

(step 7 of the animation above)

  • Paper based (signed and printed at kiosks) or paperless document management of loading instructions, CMR, eCMR, customs documents, bill of loading, transport manifests, etc… in cooperation with Pionira, our digital document parter
  • Choosing for digital documents will greatly decrease your transport document cost (up to 5 times).

CURA TMS can also interface with most Warehouse management software like SAP and Swisslog. Our Solutions are built to work on platforms such as Transporeon and it includes safety systems for contractors.

Module 1 - Slot Booking & truck (driver) management

(step 1 of the animation above)

  • Manage shipments and purchase orders
  • Give your carrier partners access to create their own transports
  • More efficient gate management and smart gate allocation
  • Connect the right truck (driver) to the correct booking
  • Get as detailed as needed (shipment contents) and connect to the appropriate gate

Module 3 – Interactive Yard Management

(steps 4, 5 and 6 of the animation above)

  • Kiosk hardware: registration on site, gate access control, site guidance (safety instructions game), LED display notification, waiting area integration, …
  • Communicate with every driver in their own language! (22 languages on board)
  • Combining module 2 and 3 enables the operation of CURA TMS without kiosk hardware if required (creates a lower budget entry to CURA)

Module 2 – Track and Trace

(steps 2, 3 and 8 of the animation above)

  • Optional module
  • Free Android app! Live track and trace of the transport (truck and truck driver) in 22 languages!
  • Accurate ETA’s (Estimated Time of Arrival) and automatic rebooking triggers when the shipment is delayed or arrives ahead of schedule.
  • App can be used for access control and on site guidance
  • Can make any fixed hardware requirements (such as kiosks) obsolete when needed and/or if applicable (QR code enabled).

Module 4 – Document Management

(step 7 of the animation above)

  • Paper based (signed and printed at kiosks) or paperless document management of loading instructions, CMR, eCMR, customs documents, bill of loading, transport manifests, etc… in cooperation with Pionira, our digital document parter
  • Choosing for digital documents will greatly decrease your transport document cost (up to 5 times).

CURA TMS can also interface with most Warehouse management software like SAP and Swisslog. Our Solutions are built to work on platforms such as Transporeon and it includes safety systems for contractors.

CURA TMS ensures great access and on site flow control

  • Inventory off all transport activities
  • Automatic fill up of upcoming transport activities through an interface connecting to the local planning management software
  • User access to transport companies to plan their transports on line through an interface connecting to the local ERP solution, providing the shipments & purchase orders
  • Gate planning overview
  • Gate management (set active, close, out-of-order…)
  • Live registration (announcement) on site follow-up
  • Live current transports on site follow up
  • Flow control management (capacity & priority management)
  • Online intervention on aberrations
  • Reporting
  • Evacuation listing during incidents

Important & proven benefits

  • A significant cost reduction through improving the back office performance
  • An immediate gain of efficiency at each gate: immediate increase of number of transports per gate
  • Revenue increase through the vastly improved logistics throughput
  • A better security through excellent access control
  • Comfort and flow improvement towards the truck drivers

Less logistics costs

More productivity

Additional logistic cost reduction

Increase of transport movements

CURA TMS leads the way into Industry 4.0!

3d Cura

Thinking about tomorrow makes today happen. CURA presents itself as a re-invention in Industry 4.0!

The app will provide digital versions of:

  • Transport cargo certificate
  • Credit card sized QR code ticket(s)
  • Loading instruction booklets
  • CMR
  • Bill of loading (manifest)
  • Customs documents

CURA TMS for better transport management

CURA Visitor for smart visitor management

Get smart today with our cloud solutions